Weishi county

Weishi County Deep Ronghong Transportation infrastructure project - Fuxing Avenue West extension docking port Zhiyang Road project construction drawing design project - bid candidate publicity

Release time: 2024-02-22 16:45:20 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

Weishi County in-depth Ronghong transportation infrastructure project-Fuxing Avenue West extension docking port area Zhiyang Road project construction drawing design project-Announcement of candidates for selection

Yiheng Engineering Consulting Co., LTDWeishi County housing and urban-rural development BureauCommissioned on the "Weishi County in-depth Ronghong transportation infrastructure project.-The construction drawing design project of the West extension of Fuxing Avenue Docking Port Area Zhiyang Road Project was invited for public tender20240222Bid opening and evaluation activities were conducted in Weishi County Public Resources Trading Center in accordance with the law。The bid evaluation committee conducted the evaluation in accordance with the provisions of the bidding documents, and confirmed by the tenderer, the bid evaluation results are now publicized as follows:

1. Description of the bidding project

1.1Project name: Weishi County deep Ronghong transportation infrastructure project-Fuxing Avenue West extension docking port area Zhiyang Road project construction drawing design project;

1.2Project Number:JSGCGK-2024-005

1.3Source of funds: financial funds;

1.4Bidding control price:390万元;

1.5Bidding method: public bidding; 

1.6Scope of tender: Survey and design, construction drawing design and budget preparation, follow-up service work of Zhiyang Road project in Fuxing Avenue West Extension docking port area。

Ii. Division of bid sections

2.1Bid section name: one bid section in total;

2.2Quality requirements: in line with the current national and industry standards

2.3Qualification Requirements: See details4.5.1

2.4Survey and design cycle:30Calendar days;Service period: until the completion and acceptance of construction;

2.5Bidding control price:390万元。

Iii. Number of bid Evaluation Committee members:5

Iv. Bid evaluation

4.1Candidates recommended by the bid evaluation committee(The following candidates are not ranked)

Bid the full name of the candidate

Henan Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., LTD

Hebei Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., LTD

Hunan Transportation Planning Survey and Design Institute Co., LTD

Shandong Transportation Planning and Design Institute Group Co., LTD

Tender offer (Yuan)





General project leader

Shi Chunsheng

Zhu Ji's Legion


Shu Xiaorui

Survey professional project leader

Guo Yongxiang

Shi Yanzhao


Zhang Mingjing

Survey and design cycle

30Calendar day

30Calendar day

30Calendar day

30Calendar day

Term of service

To the completion and acceptance of construction

To the completion and acceptance of construction

To the completion and acceptance of construction

To the completion and acceptance of construction

Bid quality

In line with the current national and industry standards

In line with the current national and industry standards

In line with the current national and industry standards

In line with the current national and industry standards

4.2Evaluation of candidate project managers


Bid the full name of the candidate

Personnel category



Practice qualification certificate or title certificate name

Certificate number

Henan Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., LTD

General project leader

Shi Chunsheng


Professional title Certificate (Senior)


Survey professional project leader

Guo Yongxiang


Registered Civil Engineer (Geotechnical)



Wang Jing 'en


Professional title Certificate (Senior)



Guo Fujie


Professional title Certificate (Intermediate)


Hebei Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., LTD

General project leader

Zhu Ji's Legion


Certificate of professional title


Survey professional project leader

Shi Yanzhao


Registered Civil Engineer (Geotechnical)


Hunan Transportation Planning Survey and Design Institute Co., LTD

General project leader


General project leader

Certificate of professional title


Survey professional project leader


Survey professional project leader

Title certificate, Registered Civil Engineer (Geotechnical)


Shandong Transportation Planning and Design Institute Group Co., LTD

General project leader

Shu Xiaorui

Engineering technology application researcher

Certificate of professional title


Survey professional project leader

Zhang Mingjing

Engineering technology application researcher

Certificate of professional title/Registered Civil Engineering (Geotechnical)



Other designers


Senior engineer

Certificate of professional title


Other designers

Zhang Junjun

Senior engineer

Certificate of professional title


Other designers


Engineering technology application researcher

Highway cost engineer qualification certificate


4.3Evaluate the candidate's business performance


4.4Evaluation of candidate project manager performance


4.5Determine the qualifications of candidates to respond to the requirements of the bidding documents

4.5.1Qualifications required by the bidding documents


Qualifications and abilities


1.The bidder shall have independent legal personality and valid business license;

2.The bidder shall have Grade A or above qualification of engineering survey (geotechnical engineering), Grade A or above qualification of engineering design and highway industry (highway, large bridge), Grade B or above qualification of engineering design and municipal industry (water supply engineering, drainage engineering) and Grade B or above qualification of landscape engineering design,And have the corresponding ability in personnel, equipment, funds, etc.;

3.The person in charge of the proposed survey project has the certificate of registered Civil Engineer (geotechnical);

4.The general person in charge of the project to be dispatched shall have the relevant professional title certificate;

5.Bidder in the last three years (2020年度、2021年度、2022Annual) Good financial status (audit report issued by accounting firm or audit department is required), the newly established company shall be subject to the registration time;

6.The bidder shall provide the website of China Judgment Documents (http://wenshu.court.gov.cn/(Inquiry objects include: enterprise, legal representative, project leader), enterprise, legal representative, project leader bribery behavior, do the bid rejection processing (provide screenshot);

7.The bidder shall not have the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issues related to the Inquiry and Use of Credit Records in Government Procurement Activities (Treasury [2016125The act of refusing to participate in government procurement activities。The tenderer or bidding agency shall inquire the credit information of each bidder respectively on the day of bid opening,Bidders who are listed in the "Credit China" website or "China Implementation Information Disclosure Website" shall be subject to enforcement, major tax law and credit breach subjects (subject to "Credit China" website), and the record list of serious illegal and credit breach behaviors of government procurement (subject to "China Government Procurement website") shall refuse to participate in this project,At the same time, the credit information query records and evidence are printed and archived,The bidder's bad credit record shall be subject to the inquiry result of the tenderee or bidding agency;

8.The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units with holding and management relations, and shall not participate in the bidding and procurement activities under the same contract (provide the screenshot of the company information, shareholders or investors information publicized in the "National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System" with the official seal of the unit);

9.This tender is not accepted at the Ministry of Transport"2021Annual highway design enterprise national comprehensive credit evaluation results "or Henan Provincial Department of Transportation" Henan Provincial Highway design enterprise.2022The evaluation result of "Annual credit evaluation" is D Level bidders, provide the Ministry of Transport or Henan Provincial Department of Transport published evaluation results webpage screenshot proof;

10.Joint bids are not accepted in this tender。

4.5.2Determine the qualifications and abilities of the candidates to respond to the requirements of the bidding documents


Bid the full name of the candidate

Response condition


Henan Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., LTD



Hebei Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., LTD



Hunan Transportation Planning Survey and Design Institute Co., LTD



Shandong Transportation Planning and Design Institute Group Co., LTD


4.6Circumstances and reasons for rejecting the bid


5. Other contents of publicity stipulated in the bidding documents


6. Publicity time


Channels and methods for raising objections

According to the BianPublic Administration Office (202013The document stipulates that if the bidder has objections to the above results, it can raise objections to the tenderer on the public resources trading information network cable in Kaifeng City during the publicity period, and the overdue will no longer be accepted, and the tenderer should be from the date of receipt of the objection3Reply within days,If the objector still has objections to the reply or the tenderer fails to make a reply within the prescribed time, the objector may do so on the date of publicity10Within days (objection reply period does not count) in the Kaifeng public resources trading information network online complaint。(In the important document column of the Kaifeng public resources trading information website, there are text formats and requirements for objections and complaints of construction projects)

8. Contact information

Tenderer: Weishi County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau

    Address: West Binhe Road, Weishi County

Contact: Mr. Shao

Contact number:0371-22712690

Bidding agency: Yiheng Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

    Address: Yaozhai Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City133No. Jin into Times Square14号楼2单元1809

Contact: Wu Jiaming, Lu Zhaoyang

Contact number:0371-65331269

Supervision department: Weishi County construction project bidding office

Contact number:0371-227126880371-27990065

9. Publishing media

"China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform", "Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Information Network", "Henan Provincial Government Procurement Network"Published on other related websites reprinted for reference only, the tenderer does not assume any responsibility。


Download attachment:Announcement of candidate (construction drawing design)

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