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Kaifeng Xiangfu District science and technology center construction project - result announcement

Release time: 2024-01-10 16:18:08 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

Kaifeng Xiangfu District science and technology center construction project results announcement

1. Description of the bidding project

Kaifeng Xingxiang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. was entrusted by Kaifeng Xiangfu District State Investment Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. to conduct public bidding on the construction project of science and technology center in Xiangfu District of Kaifeng City20231227Bid opening and evaluation activities were carried out in accordance with the law in the Public Resources Trading Center of Xiangfu District, Kaifeng City。After the expiration of the period of publicity of the candidates, the bidding committee shall, in accordance with the principles, methods and procedures of the bidding2024110Bid selection was carried out in the bid opening room of the public Resources Trading Center in Xiangfu District of Kaifeng City through the verification and extraction method。The bidding results are hereby announced as follows:

Ii. Project overview and bidding scope

2.1Project name: Kaifeng Xiangfu District Science and Technology center construction project

2.2Project Number:XXGK-2023-17

2.3Construction site: The project construction site is located at the intersection of Weisan Road and Jing2nd Road, Xiangfu District

2.4Investment amount: Total investment of the project 17000 万元。The source of funds is self-financing。

2.5Construction scale and contents: planned land area 29050.92 ㎡, (The land area is approximately43.64Mu) total construction area 50400.00 ㎡, mainly including science and technology center ground 46400.00 ㎡,地下 4000.00 ㎡。Hardened (parking) and road area of the campus 13430.55 ㎡。

2.6Section division:

The project is divided into two bidding sections:

The first section: Kaifeng Xiangfu District science and technology center construction projectEPCGeneral contract

Section 2: Supervision of construction project of Science and Technology Center in Xiangfu District, Kaifeng City

2.7Planned duration:

Section 1:24Months (including design, procurement, construction and acceptance of important equipment and materials)。

Section 2: WithEPCGeneral contract period and defect liability period

2.8Quality requirements: qualified, in line with the current national acceptance standards。

2.9Scope of tender:

Paragraph 1: This project adopts EPCProject general contracting mode, planning land area 29050.92 ㎡, total construction area 50400.00 ㎡, mainly including science and technology center ground 41000.00 ㎡,地下 4000.00 ㎡。Hardened (parking) and road area of the campus 13430.55 ㎡。Improve the relevant professional facilities and equipment purchase, service facilities and equipment installation, as well as the site inside and outside the building and surrounding supporting water supply and drainage, strong and weak electricity, fire protection, greening, HVAC, security, square hardening and road, parking lot and other system engineering。

Section 2: Design and construction preparation stage, construction and installation stage (including defect liability period), equipment and material procurement supervision services。

Iii. Division of bid sections

The project is divided into two bidding sections:

The first section: Kaifeng Xiangfu District science and technology center construction projectEPCGeneral contract

Section 2: Supervision of construction project of Science and Technology Center in Xiangfu District, Kaifeng City

Iv. Bid opening time:20231227930

Bid evaluation time:2023122712:00

Calibration time:202311015:00

Iv. List of members of the Bid evaluation and Selection Committee:

1Group leader of the judges: Zhang Zheng

Other judges: Wen-ji Chow,Fan Menghua,Liuhongling Mountain,Sun Jingjing, Zhao Yang, MA Qianhui

2Leader of the bidding committee: Gao Xinpeng

3Bidding committee members: Zhao Yang, Ma Qianhui

5. Verify information

The first section: Kaifeng Xiangfu District science and technology center construction projectEPCGeneral contract

The verification content includes the qualification certificate of the candidate, the certificate of the project manager and social security information, the certificate of the technical person in charge and social security information, the credit information of the enterprise, and the bribery and bribery of the enterprise。All candidates passed the calibration verification。

Section 2: Supervision of construction project of Science and Technology Center in Xiangfu District, Kaifeng City

The verification content includes the qualification certificate of the candidate, the project director and social security information, the technical person in charge of the certificate and social security information, the enterprise credit information, and the bribery and bribery situation of the enterprise。All candidates passed the calibration verification。

6. The information of the winning bidder is as follows

Full name of the successful bidder in the first bidding section:

Leader: MCC Construction Group Co., LTD

Consortium member: Zhengyan Construction Group Co., LTD

Tender offer: in words: 100 percent


Design fee quotation: In words: Two million six thousand four hundred yuan only


Quality standard:Qualified, in line with the current national acceptance standards

工 期:24 Months (including design, procurement, construction and acceptance of important equipment and materials)

Project manager name: Wang Bin

Certificate name: First class constructor registration certificate

Certificate Number: Chongqing 1502020202101476


Full name of the successful bidder in the second bidding section:

Leader: Henan Tianhong Construction Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

Tender offer:Uppercase: thirty-three percent



Quality standard:Qualified, in line with the current national acceptance standards

Working period: As soon asEPCGeneral contract period and defect liability period

Project Director name: Qin Xinlong

Certificate Number:0067972241019338

Vii. Channels and methods for raising objections:

According to the BianPublic Administration Office (202013The document stipulates that if the bidder has objections to the above results, it can raise objections to the tenderer on the public resources trading information network cable in Kaifeng City during the publicity period, and the overdue will no longer be accepted, and the tenderer should be from the date of receipt of the objection3Reply within days,If the objector still has objections to the reply or the tenderer fails to make a reply within the prescribed time, the objector may do so on the date of publicity10Within days (objection reply period does not count) in the Kaifeng public resources trading information network online complaint。(In the column of important documents on this website, there are text formats and requirements for objections and complaints of construction projects)。

8. Contact information

Tenderer: Kaifeng Xiangfu District State Investment Cultural Tourism Development Co., LTD

Address: Xiangfu District county Fu South Street232

Contact: Mr. Zhao

Contact number:15194603200

Bidding Agency: Kaifeng Xingxiang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., LTD

    Person: Mr. Wang            


      Address: 10th floor, Xiangfu District Citizens Home

Project contact: Mr. Wang            


9. Publication media and publicity time

This announcement is published in the "China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform","Henan Electronic Bidding Public Service Platform","Kaifeng City public resources trading information Network" was released at the same time, publicity period3日。



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